Tip # 4 : Sitecore Tip of The Day!

Use Sitecore’s TransferUserPasswords.aspx After Installing Sitecore User Package Don’t think about database level operations if you want to transfer Sitecore users from one instance to another instance. Instead use Sitecore’s out of the box package feature to package users/roles and then use TransferUserPasswords.aspx page to set passwords back. Download this utility from Sitecore Knowledge base at: https://kb.sitecore.net/articles/242631 It’s …

Tip # 3 : Sitecore Tip of The Day!

Use Sitecore Analytics Testing Tool For Geo-IP Testing! I am using Sitecore Analytics Testing Tool  chrome extension for IP/Location based testing for my Sitecore websites. Derek Hunziker has created this cool extension having other Sitecore analytics testing features as well. You can download it from chrome store at: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sitecore-analytics-testin/pecalkbdlhhhcoenmcjnmhgnncnkdgak You can feed different country profiles with IP …

Tip # 2 : Sitecore Tip of The Day!

Let Sitecore Validate Item Name! Many times we forget to use the cool ItemUtil API of Sitecore and write our own code do some tasks. One of such tasks is validating Sitecore item name while creating item on the fly (programmatically). Sitecore’s ItemUtil class will validate item name by replacing invalid characters (if any) in supplied …

Sitecore Tip of The Day!

Friends, Let’s start our day with Sitecore Tip of The Day in 2017! I hope you must be exploring at least one new thing about Sitecore in everyday of your Sitecore journey. This new thing could be anything which is existing since ages but you didn’t get a chance to try or explore it. In this …

A Flashback of Sitecore Journey in 2016!

Hey Sitecore Heroes, first of all wish you a very Happy New Year! Let’s welcome 2017 year with some new resolutions… and let’s look back at Sitecore Journey of 2016. Year 2016 was really fruitful for Sitecore Journey. I had achieved many mile-stones during this year – 2016. 1) Achieved Sitecore XP 8 Certification with 97% …