Recently one of the developers at customer office contacted me as he was facing error while accessing Sitecore Powershell RemoteAutomation Webservice. After helping him to fix the issue, he notified that he couldn’t find this fix on internet or may be it was difficult to find it. This encouraged me to write a quick blog post to help our awesome Sitecore community out there.
He was facing resource cannot be found error while accessing Sitecore Powershell Remote Automation page via http://[SitecoreInstance]/sitecore%20modules/PowerShell/Services/RemoteAutomation.asmx URL.
By seeing above error, one can easily say that either the page you are accessing does not exist at desired location or URL is wrong. That’s what we also checked and found that page does exist and URL is also correct.
The next thing to look into was ofcourse logs where we found below error getting logged.
Exception: System.Web.HttpException
Message: The file ‘/sitecore modules/powershell/services/404.htm’ does not exist.
Above line of error gave some hint that while accessing RemoteAutomation.asmx page, it is trying to access 404.htm page. But 404.htm page doesn’t exist and that’s why it is throwing resource not found error.
This theory makes sense, but why it is trying to access 404.htm while hitting RemoteAutomation.asmx page?
Well, that mischief is done by your web.config file sitting under Websitesitecore modulesPowerShellServices path.
Comment above highlighted line or create/place corresponding page to fix this error.
Now try to access your RemoteAutomation.asmx webservice and it should not complain and load fine as shown in below screen.
Hope that this may help someone to save some time!
great hint…..