Friends, hope you are enjoying your Sitecore Journey! Let’s start our today’s journey. Scenario: What do you do when you find that your Sitecore query is NOT retuning any result even-though query is correct? The obvisous answer is you will go to Sitecore CE and fire that query using developer center, right? Yes – this is …
Dear Sitecorians, to provide better experience to your website users sometimes you are asked implement a feature such as StoesNearByMe, EventsNearByMe or JobsNearByMe in your Sitecore solution. In such scenarios, basically you need two information: 1) User’s location (e.g latitude and longitude) 2) Search all stores, events or jobs near to user’s location. We have already …
This is a quick tip for all those who are using Sitecore.NET 8.0 rev. 150223 (8.0 Update 2) and facing hang issue while uploading Sitecore package. Solution: There are two options to get rid of this issue. Option-1: Move to next upgrade as it is known issue and resolved in Sitecore 8.0 Update 3, you can find it at official …
Whether you are building corporate website, commercial website or any other type of website, one of the famous feature demanding from your client is Calendar Event. There should be feature in your website from where user should be able to download calendar event (e.g. .ICS) file and save it as reminder. Such calendar event is required …
Many times you need to create bulk items in Sitecore for some reason. May be you want to check the performance of your newly implemented feature. Let’s say you want to check how your code (e.g search code) is performing when there are tons of items. So once again you can take the advantage of Sitecore …