Sitecore Language Checklist Report Tool

Smart programmer hates manual and time consuming task, hence they are always looking for automating those manual boring task. In-fact that’s why you are programmer – to automate such stuff and help your team. Recently I found that my content team member was asked by client to prepare a report to show all available languages for particular set of items. For example: Prepare a report of all available languages for articles, events, news. Just imagine that how much time will it take to go and check whether particular language is available or not from 18 languages (yes, we have 18 languages configured for our Sitecore website) and hundreds of articles, events and news. In order to help my content team to automate this process, I thought that it’s good idea to create a Language Report Tool which will show all available languages for particular set of Sitecore items.

This is how report look like. Basically this tool is a kind of Sitecore Language Checklist for all the sub-items of given page.

0 indicates no language version available for that item. 1 indicates  language version available for that item. You can click on download button to generate report of this language statistics. It will download a complete report in XLS format.

Click here to download Sitecore Package for this tool/utility from Sitecore Marketplace. You simply need to install this package from Sitecore desktop editor, it will deploy the page under Sitecore – Admin folder. For security reasons, you should place this tool/utility under Sitecore –> Admin folder. Although this page is intelligent enough to  redirect you to login page, if your are not admin and try to access this page. Hope this will save your lots of time if your client has such crazy requirement 🙂

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